
- Sikhs believe in one God. Christians and Muslims also believe in one God too.

- Christians follow the Ten Commandments, Muslims live by The Five Precepts and Sikhs follow the Rahit Maryada, which is a rule book they live their life by.

- The Sikh holy book is called the Guru Granth Sahib, in Christianity there is the Bible, in Judaism they have the Torah and in Buddhism they have the Tipitaka.

- The following religions all have symbols which help us to recognize them. In Christianity there is the Cross, in Hinduism they have the Om, in Judaism they have the Star of David, in Islam they have the Crescent Moon and of course in Sikhism they have The Khanda and Ik Onkar.


- In Christianity and Buddhism they have monks and nuns but there are no Sikh monks or nuns.

- The Guru Granth Sahib is written in Punjabi, whereas the Bible (Christianity) is written in English and the Torah (Judaism) is written in Hebrew.

- Sikhs celebrate many festivals including Diwali (the festival of light), Hola Mohalla, Baisakhi (Vaisakhi). Christians celebrate occasions for example; Christmas and Easter. Muslims also celebrate Christmas. Christmas is not really a festival, but more a celebration for the birth of Jesus Christ. At Diwali they also exchange presents but Diwali is a celebration of light, unlike Christmas where it is a celebration of birth.

 - In the Bible The Old Testament is made up from  the teachings of Jesus and then The New Testament is later writings by various people. But in The Guru Granth Sahib, the whole book is made from the teachings of ten human Gurus.

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