Sikhism is over 500 years old. Sikhism originated in India and was founded by a man called Guru Nanak and is based on his teachings and nine other Sikh Gurus that succeeded him. Sikhism symbolizes the equality of all people. Sikhism was formed from the religions of Hinduism and Islam.

As a child, Nanak was undecided about his religion but his father pushed him to be a Muslim. At this time in Pakistan (and still today) there were also many Hindu's around.

Nanak was taken underwater for three days where he was being 'spoken to by God'. He treated everyone fairly even the 'Untouchables'. He believed that any food or money made from others suffering was wrong!

With 26 million followers worldwide, Sikhism is now the 5th largest religion in the world!

The Sikh culture, like most cultures consists of festivals and ceremonies. Sikh festivals are occasions where Sikhs can rededicate themselves to their faith.

Three of the major Sikh festivals are:
- Baisakhi  (Vaisakhi)
- Diwali (The festival of light)
- Hola Mohalla

This is how people were 'ranked', using The Caste System:

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